COP25 Climate Change Conference: Every year the same…

thing. Expec­ta­tions are, in the end, dis­ap­point­ed every year. UN cli­mate sum­mits are not nor­mal­ly cheer­ful occa­sions. But the dis­ap­point­ment this year is espe­cial­ly strong. COP in Madrid was meant to send out a strong mes­sage back­ing ambi­tious mea­sures – a mes­sage reflect­ing the urgency and grav­i­ty of the com­ing dis­as­ter as well as the …

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Climate action – Act now!

The FRFG gave a press con­fer­ence, report­ing on pro­ceed­ings dur­ing COP23 in Bonn. Del­e­gates of the FRFG and the Jugend­bünd­nis Zukun­ft­sen­ergie spoke about a recent­ly organ­ised young people’s exchange between Ger­many and Fiji, the neces­si­ty of keep­ing the cli­mate in good shape and their open let­ter (in Ger­man) to the nego­tia­tors at the sum­mit. We …

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FRFG members at a UN conference on implementing the Paris Agreement

The May 2017 cli­mate talks in Bonn involved prepara­to­ry talks for the main cli­mate sum­mit tak­ing plac­ing in Novem­ber. Anna Braam, spokesper­son for the FRFG’s board, and Anna Hal­big, an FRFG ambas­sador, took part along with sev­en oth­er young adults. The object of the talks was the imple­men­ta­tion of the Paris Agree­ment — an important …

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Fifth Demography Prize 2014/2015

The Foun­da­tion for the Rights of Future Gen­er­a­tions (FRFG) and the Inter­gen­er­a­tional Foun­da­tion (IF) award the Demog­ra­phy Prize, which car­ries a total val­ue of 10,000 Euros, divid­ed up among win­ning entrants. The Prize, fund­ed and sup­port­ed by the Stiftung Apfel­baum (Apfel­baum Foun­da­tion), is award­ed every two years. The top­ic for the 5th Demog­ra­phy Prize is:  “Low Electoral …

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UN Climate Conference in Lima: Update on Intergenerational Equity

In Decem­ber 2014 Anna Hal­big, FRFG ambas­sador, led three oth­er del­e­gates at the UN cli­mate sum­mit in Lima, Peru. The del­e­ga­tion fought for a prop­er and inter­gen­er­a­tional­ly just cli­mate agree­ment in talks with nation­al del­e­ga­tions. They also took part in pub­­lic-aware­­ness intia­tives at the con­fer­ence site and held a press con­fer­ence to this end. The conference …

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